特点 Features 1.微电脑控制,功能实用,操作简便; 2.采用**钢材架构,质轻体固; 3.独立的胶头速度调节; 4.油辊滚动上墨,方便装拆和清洗; 5.自动平衡油刀,刮油干净利落; 6.内设四位数自动计数器; 7.胶头可前后空行不落胶头,防止暂停时油墨干涸; 8.内设多级速度控制,以满足不同的印刷要求。 *Each function is controlled by microprocessor for easy operation; *4-digit auto counter built in; *High quality aluminium alloy is used to make structure solid and weight light; *Independent pad up/down stroke and speed adjustment; *Ink roller is used for ink covering, so it is easy to clean, install and uninstall(ink tray machine); *Auto balanced doctor blade available for efficient ink scraping (ink tray machine); *Sealed ink cup can save ink, and low smell (ink cup machine); *Printing speed adjustable to fullfil various requirements; *"Inking twice, printing once" for thick ink film; *Able to sweep forward/backward without lowering pad to avoid ink drying at intervals. 参数 Parameter 机器型号 Model KP-150C4 KP-150C4S 油墨装载方式 Ink Loading System 油盘式 Open Inkwell System 油盅式 Ink Cup System 印刷颜色 Printing Color 1、2、3or4 印刷工位 Printing States 14 油盘/油盅 Plate Size/Ink Cup Diameter 4"×6"or100×150mm Ø90mm 4"×10"or100×250mm 胶头行程 Pad Stroke 80mm 工作台规格 Worktable Size 70×100mm 较大印刷速度 Max. Printing Speed 1200pcs/hr 额定电压 Rated Voltage 220V 50Hz 气压要求 Air Pressure 6bar 外形尺寸 Dimension(L×W×H) 900×1060×1350mm 机器重量 Weight 160kg(约 Approx.)