1.传动采用气液缸,配合精密导轨运行,印刷平稳,无断痕; 2.适用于精密平面产品印刷,采用可编程文本器控制; 3.印刷平台设有.方向的精细微调,印刷调校更准确; *Hydraulic cylinder driven, with precision guide way, make the machine running stable, wire printed without broken. *Worktable XY fine adjustable. *Suitable for printing flat products. 参数 Parameter 机器型号 Model KS-628 工作台板面积 Worktable Size 180×220mm 较大印刷面积 Max. Printing Size 100×120mm 较大网框安装 Max. Screen Frame Size 270×450mm 较大丝印物高度 Height 20mm 较大印刷速度 Max. Printing Speed 900pcs/hr 气压要求 Air Pressure 6bar 额定电压 Rated Voltage 220V 50Hz 外形尺寸 Dimension(L×W×H) 750×650×1560mm 机器重量 Weight 160kg(约 Approx.)